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Deep Spring Cleaning
Okay, that’s silly, even giddy! But that’s how I get when I think of spring. I get a feeling of rejuvenation, of making a fresh start. You know what I’m talking about. After weeks of dark, cold, and maybe snow, one morning I notice that the sun is shining even [...]
Tip of the Month
Tip of the Month
To avoid spreading insects in an account, service the troublesome area last. Even though you clean your scissors and wash your hands, it’s never enough. That insect could be hiding in your apron pocket!
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Caring for Plants in Restaurants
Restaurant plants need extra attention and care Interior plant technicians from around the country say that their toughest accounts to care for are their restaurant accounts. Why is this? Let’s explore these accounts [...]
Kicking the Bugs Out – Interior Plant Pest Solutions
Kicking the Bugs Out - Interior Plant Pest Solutions When designing a pest control strategy for insects and mites, consider cultural, mechanical, biological and least toxic chemical alternatives. When you blend these methods to control [...]