10 01, 2020

VIP’s Tips and Horticultural Tidbits

By |2019-05-27T16:02:30-07:00January 10th, 2020|Categories: Plant Technician Skills|Tags: |Comments Off on VIP’s Tips and Horticultural Tidbits

Foliage plants with bright, strong colors and variegation (crotons, for instance) require warm temperatures and lots of bright sunlight to keep their markings and intense colors. Clivias need three months of dormancy or artificial drought to produce a flower bud. The bud will form about one month after normal watering is resumed. Certain flowering plants will [...]

8 01, 2020

6 Secrets To Plant Health: Part 1

By |2019-05-26T12:26:01-07:00January 8th, 2020|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on 6 Secrets To Plant Health: Part 1

Professional plant technicians develop the skills to maintain and improve plants placed in their care. They're "caretakers," not merely "plant replacers." They safeguard the client's investment and work hard to help plants flourish. To be a professional "caretaker," it is important to understand the factors that influence plant health. While many horticulturists say there are only [...]

6 01, 2020

Spotlighting… Phoenix roebelenii

By |2019-05-23T13:36:38-07:00January 6th, 2020|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Spotlighting… Phoenix roebelenii

A member of the Palmae family. Phoenix roebelenii (Fee-nix rowbuhl-LEEN-ee-eye) have gracefully arching, feathery fronds radiating from the center of sturdy trunks. Palm anatomy Palms have unique botanical features setting them apart from other interiorscape plants. Palms do not have a distinct xylem and phloem, but possess a series of vascular bundles randomly scattered throughout the [...]

1 01, 2020

Leaf Tipping

By |2020-02-13T23:49:56-08:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|2 Comments

Yellow leaf tips, perhaps ringed with brown...not a pretty sight. Other than full-out wilt of a plant there really is no other sign that says more clearly to us as horticultural technicians, that a plant needs our help. It is so frustrating to see brown and/or yellow tips scarring the beauty of an interior plant. They [...]

30 12, 2019

Is More Better?

By |2019-05-23T12:49:04-07:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Is More Better?

Some folks believe that more of anything is better. A bigger TV screen has its advantages. A larger car conveys status. More tools make a better workshop. Having more clothes makes some people feel better. More detergent—better? More fertilizer, more water, more pruning, more vitamins—all better? Our list of “more is better” things can be extensive. [...]

23 12, 2019

Prevent Costly Vehicle Repairs

By |2019-05-23T11:55:05-07:00December 23rd, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge|Comments Off on Prevent Costly Vehicle Repairs

Hey! Have you noticed? It's winter out there. The cold that's hard on you is also hard on your car. Your car needs an oil change or a tire rotation - just one more chore that can fail through the cracks. And it happens a lot. A variety of maintenance issues can be well on the [...]

18 12, 2019

Temporary Staging

By |2019-05-23T11:54:45-07:00December 18th, 2019|Categories: Christmas, Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on Temporary Staging

You remembered to bring the replacement plant for the reception area. It's a perfect plant and will look wonderful in the decorative container. You got it all cleaned up back at the shop, wrapped it up so it wouldn't get cold damage and loaded it gently in your van. Arriving at the account you carefully get [...]

16 12, 2019

A Holiday To Do List

By |2019-05-23T10:52:53-07:00December 16th, 2019|Categories: Christmas, Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on A Holiday To Do List

Interior: Have extra vinyl saucers, pot covers and sleeves in your vehicle for new plants (poinsettias and other holiday colors) that have been installed and were overlooked. Brrr! Fill water machines from indoor faucets only. Lukewarm water is best for the tropical plants, and for the water machines too. Sleeve all plants before leaving the warehouse/greenhouse [...]

11 12, 2019

Squeezing More Out of the Clock

By |2019-05-23T10:27:21-07:00December 11th, 2019|Categories: Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on Squeezing More Out of the Clock

This busy time of year there is even more to do and seemingly less time to do it in. Pretty soon offices will close or close early for the holidays shortening our workweek, poinsettias are everywhere and need attention and we begin to kick into high gear. How can we do a good job and still [...]

9 12, 2019

Winter Watering

By |2019-05-23T10:11:47-07:00December 9th, 2019|Categories: Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on Winter Watering

Have you been suspecting someone else has been watering the plants in your accounts because they are wet when you arrive to service them? Have you been curious as to why it is that you are only using one water machine to water the same number of plants that took more than two machine fill-ups just [...]

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