Tip of the Month
To avoid spreading insects in an account, service the troublesome area last. Even though you clean your scissors and wash your hands, it’s never enough. That insect could be hiding in your apron pocket!
To avoid spreading insects in an account, service the troublesome area last. Even though you clean your scissors and wash your hands, it’s never enough. That insect could be hiding in your apron pocket!
Being late, whether to work, a meeting or a visit to a client's account, implies disinterest, laziness and a lack of reliability. If you keep people waiting, you have one strike against you before you ever open your mouth. In some cases, that one strike will be enough to kill your chance to get a promotion [...]
Water has a special property. Its molecules stay together in lumps and attach to each other, and when lumped together, they form anything between puddles to our rivers and oceans. Plant roots tap into these grouped molecules in the soil and drink. What many people (and even some plant technicians) do not know though, is that [...]
Cacti are a fascinating group of enchanting plants making beautiful standalone pieces in the interiorscape, particularly in areas with a lot of light. Its popularity with interiorscapers is due to its no-nonsense "leave-me-alone-and give-me-maximum-light" qualities. Cactus will survive for many years with very little care even in buildings with wide temperature extremes, making them a plant [...]
Chamaedorea Falcifera I have a new favorite plant, a tall very hardy palm closely related to our old friend the Bamboo palm, (Chamaedorea seifrizii). After 33 years in this industry it’s always fun to “discover” a new plant to add to our collection. This one is called Chamaedorea falcifera. Apparently I’m not the [...]
Lovely Hoya bella The Goldfish Plant. Belonging to the Gesneriaceae family, Nematanthus gregarius have brightly colored orange flowers, shaped like goldfish crackers. These indoor specimens are from tropical South America have fleshy, closely set oval leaves, growing in opposite pairs along the stem, which can grow to two feet long. The decorative one inch [...]
Do you know how to clean your terra cotta planters? Happy 2019 Everyone! It's time to tackle new projects and really get your accounts in order. Some much needed cleaning is a good place to ensure everything looks its best for 2019. Sometimes there just seems to be dirt and grime everywhere! We’re talking [...]
Even your holiday trees need to be monitored carefully for water stress Have you been suspecting someone else has been watering the plants in your accounts because they are wet when you arrive to service them? Have you been curious as to why it is that you are only using one water machine to [...]
After treating your Majesty palm, it's important to dispose of pesticides safely That darn Ficus just wouldn’t let you keep the mealy under control with hand squishing. Every week it has shed leaves and now it has stopped drinking its water. After two months, you are so tired of battling the ever growing numbers [...]
Make sure your plants are getting enough sunlight in the fall months October is a great month to assess all of your accounts and make sure everything is in working order before the start of the busy holiday season. Don't be overwhelmed though, here's a quick to-do list for the month of October. Begin [...]