Plant Technician Skills

14 10, 2019

Plants Up High

By |2019-05-15T15:18:43-07:00October 14th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Plants Up High

Trailing and hanging plants provide visual interest in the interiorscape. They draw the eye into an open space at tree level without sacrificing precious floor space. Composed of a wide variety of plant species, hanging planters, trailers on top of half-walls and filing cabinets are lush and full when first installed on accounts but can quickly [...]

9 10, 2019

A Bit About Aralias

By |2019-05-15T14:40:21-07:00October 9th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on A Bit About Aralias

Ming Aralia What is it about Aralias that make us love them and hate them? They are absolutely beautiful columnar plants with long-lasting growth patterns. They are also a bit temperamental when it comes to being sensitive to temperature and water changes. Despite their fussy nature, they are getting more attention during recent years [...]

7 10, 2019

Soil Solution

By |2019-05-15T13:12:07-07:00October 7th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Soil Solution

Sometimes we have trouble being able to keep many of the plants at the right moisture level. Too wet? No. it must be too dry. I've been going back and forth with supplying moisture, but we can't seem to be able to get it right. The new growth is spotting, and one of the plants is [...]

2 10, 2019

When to Pass on Complaints to Your Supervisor

By |2019-05-15T13:11:48-07:00October 2nd, 2019|Categories: Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on When to Pass on Complaints to Your Supervisor

When should you pass a complaining customer on to your supervisor? Only on those rare occasions that you can't deal with it yourself. Since customer service people, such as ourselves, are the first line of defence, we should handle as many of the everyday concerns as we can. We are the ones with the constant weekly [...]

30 09, 2019

Codiaeum: The Croton

By |2019-05-15T08:22:41-07:00September 30th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Codiaeum: The Croton

No wonder we all use the common name of croton! Hard to get your tongue wrapped around all those vowels. Yet even if it's hard to say we love to use Codiaeums in all their many varieties. Crotons can be used in so many ways and so many locations that they are one of the staples [...]

25 09, 2019

What To Do When Pests Attack

By |2019-05-15T08:07:10-07:00September 25th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Pests, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on What To Do When Pests Attack

When the seasons change it time to be on the lookout for surprise pest attacks. This can especially happen on plants you have come to know well and trust to be pest-free. They can sneak up on us at any time and give us a surprise attack. It's just a pest-filled world, and we have to [...]

23 09, 2019

Spotlighting… Rhapis!

By |2019-05-15T07:54:17-07:00September 23rd, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Spotlighting… Rhapis!

About palms in general Rhapis To help you share my passion for Rhapis, also known as the lady palm, a bit of knowledge about its family relations is important. It is a member of the Palmae family. This ancient family is made up of a large group of evergreen monocotyledons. Palms were first defined [...]

18 09, 2019

The Courage to Cut

By |2019-05-08T10:10:46-07:00September 18th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on The Courage to Cut

How do I prune a Ficus? Where should I start to prune? How can I cut it without asking permission? Is someone watching me? What if I make a mistake? We get personal satisfaction from pruning by improving the appearance and making great-looking trees. Over the years we have developed the "courage to cut". We are [...]

16 09, 2019

Back to Basics

By |2019-05-08T10:01:14-07:00September 16th, 2019|Categories: Customer Service, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Back to Basics

After a day when everything seems to be going wrong, you may find it difficult to believe, but most customer complaints can be resolved. If you're going through a phase in which you can't seem to handle complaints in a satisfactory way, you may be skipping one or two fundamental steps in the problem-solving process. Take [...]

11 09, 2019

Protecting Your Hands

By |2019-05-08T09:50:23-07:00September 11th, 2019|Categories: Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Protecting Your Hands

Working in horticulture is hard on our hands. Thorns, sticky plant residue and coarse soils are just some of the conditions that can lead to dry, scarred hands, ragged nails and even skin irritation. Protect your hands with a wide variety of garden gloves made from durable materials including nylon, lycra spandex, polypropylene and other fabrics [...]

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