8 01, 2021
8 01, 2021
1 01, 2021
Watering Plants Efficiently Saves Time & Money
Water flowers and plants efficiently There are a number of components that contribute to the interior plant technician's ability to create beautiful, healthy plants for the client. Good business sense dictates that the technician do so as cost-effectively as possible. Obviously, water is a key contributor to the plant’s health. How the technician transports [...]
18 12, 2020
How to Care for Broken Plant Branches
Fiddle leaf fig trees are prone to broken branches It’s so upsetting to walk up to a plant that you haven’t seen for a week and see a broken, dangling branch, maybe even more than one. Ohhh, the poor thing! How did that happen? How long has it been like this? It’s gotta hurt! [...]
4 12, 2020
Top Customer Complaints & Solutions
Always listen to your customer's concerns As an interior plant technician, you never know what question or problem will be thrown your way next. In order to survive, you need to think fast. You need to be able to respond to even the most difficult customer complaints in a way that not only addresses [...]
27 11, 2020
Neem Oil for Organic Pest Control
Neem oil treats pests organically Here's something new to try in the war against insects taking over your interiorscapes. Neem oil is a natural, organic insect and pest control made by pressing the seeds of the neem tree (Azadircta indica). This plant is native to East India and Burma, and is a tropical evergreen [...]
20 11, 2020
How Do Plants Drink Water?
How does a plant drink water? How does a plant drink water? When you pour that half of a gallon of water into the soil of your Spathiphyllum do you ever wonder how it gets up to the very tips of the leaves? Part of the answer lies in the makeup of the water [...]
13 11, 2020
Plant Spotlight – Epipremnum
Jade pothos Epipremnum aureum is a wonderful addition to any interiorscape. Also known as Golden Pothos, this plant was formerly known as Scindapsus aureus. A member of the Araceae (Philodendron) family, they are native to the monsoon tropics of Malaysia. Here they are tropical climbers, creeping by rootlets, attaching to tree trunks to climb upwards through [...]
6 11, 2020
Identification & Treatment of Mildew on Interior Plants
Watch out for signs of mildew on ivy plants One day, when watering your favorite grape ivy, you may discover something new. A white, floury deposit is suddenly covering the new growth! What could it be? This powdery looking deposit is actually mildew. Various conditions like fluctuating temperatures and stagnant interior air can create [...]
23 10, 2020
Maintaining Holiday Flowering Plants
Maintaining Holiday Flowering Plants Holiday Poinsettia Wreath During the holiday season, interiorscapers transform ordinary offices into festive workplaces with decorations and flowering plants. To keep the delicate blooms looking their best, follow these guidelines. Keep them moist Most flowering plants have extensive fibrous root systems that require constant moisture. Plants in flower do not [...]
16 10, 2020
Spotlighting: Dracaena fragrans canes
Spotlighting: Dracaena fragrans canes What plant type tolerates low humidity and 50fc of light, sports designer stripes, comes in a variety of shapes and heights and has few pest problems? None other than our old friend Dracaena fragrans and the popular variety ‘Massangeana,’ commonly called the cornstalk plant! Originally from Upper Guinea, most of our fragrans [...]