Plant Technician Skills

20 11, 2019

The Fungus Among Us

By |2019-05-22T09:21:16-07:00November 20th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Pests, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on The Fungus Among Us

From a tropical plant's point of view, winter is just an all-around bad thing. It is cold, far beyond what a tropical plant prefers. It is dark for too long within each twenty-four hour day. The heated indoor air is too dry, lacking needed humidity for proper growth. And, the air is stagnant, there are no [...]

18 11, 2019

Fa La La La La…

By |2019-05-22T08:38:13-07:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on Fa La La La La…

Whoa, let's take it one holiday at a time, shall we? Enjoying each month and its special holiday season is very important to me. 1 particularly enjoy adding 'harvest' accents to the planters in November knowing that immediately after Thanksgiving, the look and ambience will drastically change. Our clients want to enjoy each holiday individually as [...]

18 11, 2019

Toxic Tropicals

By |2019-05-22T09:04:17-07:00November 18th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Toxic Tropicals

An old myth that re-surfaces every year at this time is that poinsettias are poisonous. You will undoubtedly be asked, at least once, about this old wives tale. Here's the truth straight from the experts at Paul Ecke Ranch; "The widespread tradition that poinsettias are poisonous is a misconception." An extensive study was done by [...]

11 11, 2019

Steps to Healthy Plants

By |2019-05-20T13:49:24-07:00November 11th, 2019|Categories: Plant Pests, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Steps to Healthy Plants

After detecting an infestation and correctly identifying the pest follow a pest control plan using I PM strategies that are the least harmful to the applicator, the target plant and the surrounding environment. The following 10-step approach is designed to implement pest control measures according to their relative toxicity levels. Cultural/Physical Controls Whenever possible, start with [...]

4 11, 2019

Aspidistras Iron Will

By |2019-05-20T13:44:16-07:00November 4th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Aspidistras Iron Will

The Aspidistra elatior...commonly known as the Cast Iron Plant is a hard-working, long-living plant for dark spaces. Aspidistra was given the common name for its ability to withstand all kinds of abuse. It is a plant that has been used in the interior environment for centuries. Every kind of interior condition from low light, to over [...]

30 10, 2019

Anatomy of a Rot

By |2019-05-16T09:59:39-07:00October 30th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Anatomy of a Rot

The 14" character marginata arrives at the wholesaler on a Friday afternoon. The plant is unsleeved and thrust roughly in amongst other Dracaena marginatas. Anticipating a hot weekend, a worker hurriedly splashes water in all the containers. The media already wet from the grower, now becomes saturated. Water drips on foliage from hanging irrigation tubing. The [...]

28 10, 2019

Dressing (Your Plants) for Success

By |2019-05-15T17:48:06-07:00October 28th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Dressing (Your Plants) for Success

Top dressing is essential for plants that are double-potted. Covering the grow pot is the finishing touch that makes the planting look sharp and professional. And top dressing makes subsequent replacements easy and speedy. But to look good and stay within budget, you need to choose and install your top dressing wisely. Popular styles to choose [...]

23 10, 2019

Q&A Corner

By |2019-05-15T17:13:51-07:00October 23rd, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Q&A Corner

Technicians ask us some pretty tough questions sometimes. As training consultants, managers of our own interiorscape business as well as servicing many of our own accounts weekly, we get asked questions that in order to answer involve some experience and history in the industry. Solutions to problems that seem like everyday experiences to seasoned techs and [...]

21 10, 2019

Spotlighting: Natal Mahogany

By |2019-05-15T17:05:14-07:00October 21st, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Technician Skills|Comments Off on Spotlighting: Natal Mahogany

Natal Mahogany This plant has a nice columnar shape with leaves that are similar in shape to a coffee plant, though not as glossy. This plant, whose Latin name is Trichelia dregeana is a member of the Meliaceae family. This is a family of woody trees and shrubs with 51 genera. Many, including Trichelia, [...]

16 10, 2019

Autumn Color Care Tips

By |2019-05-15T15:26:06-07:00October 16th, 2019|Categories: Plant Knowledge, Plant Pests, Plant Technician Skills, Seasonal & Holidays|Comments Off on Autumn Color Care Tips

As autumn arrives bringing gold, yellow, orange, and red hues in deciduous trees outdoors, we need to reflect the season in our indoor color displays. Indoors there are many great plants to use for seasonal plantings highlighting fall colors as our theme: orange or yellow Kalanchoes, crotons, peppers, orange Guzmania bromeliads, Jerusalem cherry, and of course [...]

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